Golems Controllers 

Puzzles and Poker

Part 2 Fashion Victim

Kam gets a call for help from Myst and discovers that not only does a generator spawn above his villa, but also one appears below in orc valley. He discovers that our fashion conscious Mystic Princess is desperate to get some of these new arcane clothes.

Oh Oh... Kam invites her back to the villa and ICQ's Kalyste, who he had teamed up with earlier and who has a tailor. Myst decides to remove her clothes in readiness for the tailor, at that moment Justin (Guild Tea Boy and real life son of Mystic walks thru the door)

Mystic Recalls to go get some Leather and Cloth for the tailor.. But look! what's this? She recalled so fast her clothes dropped off again?

Back and dressed again Mystic uses her time waiting to keep toned. Kalyste turned up with 2 sets of robes for Dodge and Mystic.. Bah... Fashion Victims!

Part 3 Puzzling this? zzzap OooOOOoo!