The Infultration of GRD

Being the tale of Agent Fred Art Smither (F.A.S.) and his infultration of GRD.

SCENE Three Act 1 The Quest for the Guild Master

Our plucky hero has passed the test and now spends 5 days seeking out the guildmaster, Arriving at the GRD tower he sees it surrounded by Bone Knights Mages and Liches.

"Fred Art Smither: Arrgh 'tis terrible"
"Fred Art Smither: *pokes Skeleton*"
"Donovan: HEED MY WORDS !"
"Lewis: Lyria we could really do with a hand!"
"Luther: Heal HEERO!"
"Falcore: Corp Por"
"Luther: *Growls*"
"Luther: Damnit Lyria?"
"Luther: I thought more of you"
"Lewis: IN HERE!"
"Lewis: IN HERE!"
"Lewis: IN HERE!"
"Devlin Arcanus: In Flam Grav"
"Eon Evermore: In Vas Mani"
"Lewis: Where the rest of Lirs Lackys?"
"Fred Art Smither: So now would be a bad time ti ask about being guilded?" (editor: worth a try after 4 days waiting)"Luther: Yer got it LAD!"
"Clawdius: Relief column has arrived"
"Eon Evermore: In Vas Mani"
"Clawdius: I be the first of many, 'lackys'"
"Devlin Arcanus: Kal Vas Xen Corp"
"Luther: Sit back an' watch a finely tuned machine.."
"Luther: Get a spanner in its works!"
"Donovan: Sanc, Come near me, I have some herbs for thee." (editor: He dealing then?)
"Cervantes: *is very tired*"
"Eon Evermore: In Vas Mani"
"Gunner: Am doing"
"Devlin Arcanus: Kal Vas Xen Corp"
"A skeleton captain: * A skeleton captain looks ill."
"Gareth Courteux: Hail the Arduins!"
"Gareth Courteux: Hail the Arduins!"
"Gunner: How do you get iller than dead?"
"Fred Art Smither: I seem to be impervious to the vile creatures" 
Yep walking around throught the mass of bones not 1 creature attcked Fred. Thank goodness for covert training, tha ablity to blend into your surroundings and errrr that 36 hour leeway you get when Young :¬)

SCENE Three Act 2 At last having failed the test (is that the norm) Fred Gets his Title.

"Jenny Appleby: *Raises a brow*" (editor so she does exist!)
"Jenny Appleby: And you are ?"
"Fred Art Smither: *strokes beard nervously*"
"Fred Art Smither: I be fred maam"
"Jenny Appleby: Hmm and what you do in my office ?" (editor:I was hoping to Kill ya and loot you, *bites tongue*)
"Fred Art Smither: I be told to wait here maam"
"Fred Art Smither: I hath been tested"
"Fred Art Smither: I hath waited 5 days maam"
"Fred Art Smither: but have fished for the Militia" (editor:well dodge gave me these fish steaks)
"Fred Art Smither: *confused*"
"Jenny Appleby: *Mutters about falling asleep*" (Editor: Wow she got worse connection than Meph!! saw her disconnect and reconnect at least 6 times!)
"Jenny Appleby: Sorry ..."
"Fred Art Smither: ahhh"
"a cow: (tame)" (editor: A cow...Jennny a Coww.. Jenny hmmm osi trying to tell me sommat?)
"Fred Art Smither: ti's no problem maam"
"Jenny Appleby: So i guess you want to join ... right ?"
": You cannot use this unless you are a friend of the house." (editoe:ok so picking up the candelabra and bashing her brains out is NOT an option!)
"Fred Art Smither: aye plz"
"Fred Art Smither: please maam"
"Jenny Appleby: *Coughs*"
"Jenny Appleby: *Nods*"
"Jenny Appleby: Let me give this trainee his title first ..."
"Jenny Appleby: *Points to the trainee*"
"Fred Art Smither: aye"
"Quell: My thanks, maam"
"Fred Art Smither: *strokes beard nervously*"
"Jenny Appleby: Touch the stone"
There then follows about five minutes snivelling dribbley grovel from some young trainee called Quell.....
"Jenny Appleby: Now Fred ...."
"Jenny Appleby: Get out or ......."
"Devlin Arcanus: Why throw me out 'em windows?"
"Jenny Appleby: I will assist you"
"Fred Art Smither: excuse me"
"Devlin Arcanus: Im only looking fer a book..."
"Jenny Appleby: Spellbook , llama"
"Jenny Appleby: ......."
"Devlin Arcanus: The book me look fer is called domain"
"Fred Art Smither: this is not a library wytch" (editor:that ought to impress!)
"Devlin Arcanus: Iknow where one part is..."
"Devlin Arcanus: Im nay wytch"
"Jenny Appleby: Talk to the officers then"
"Jenny Appleby: And now : out"
"Devlin Arcanus: im an necromancer of 'em circle"
"Fred Art Smither: what that be in yer hand?"
"Fred Art Smither: wytch then"
"Jenny Appleby: Okay Fred ,,,,"
"Fred Art Smither: *smiles*"
"Jenny Appleby: You wish to join as trainee ?"
"Fred Art Smither: aye maam"
"Jenny Appleby: You were tested ?"
"Fred Art Smither: aye twice maam" (*lies* once and I failed but WTF)
"Jenny Appleby: *Nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: I am to study more tho and have"
"Fred Art Smither: but wert told I would be accepted"
"Jenny Appleby: Touch the stone then and make your title visible ..."
": You are now loyal to Jenny Appleby" (editor: O woop de doop!)
"The name of your guild has changed : Guardsmen Militia" (aye a duller title there not be in every shard of Brittania... why do peple wnat to join this lot?!!!)
"Jenny Appleby: It will take some time to give you the trainee title .. please be patient"
"Fred Art Smither: aye thank ee mamm"
"Teclis: *hic*"
"Jenny Appleby: Touch the stone ...."
"Teclis: *hic*"
"Fred Art Smither: may I never fish again"
"Teclis: *hic*"
"Jenny Appleby: *Snukes*"
"Fred Art Smither: aye thank ee"
"Teclis: *hic*"
"Jenny Appleby: *Smiles even*"
"Jenny Appleby: *Nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: *grins ear to ear*" (editor: yep grins like a Psychopath!)
"Jenny Appleby: You can go now and ask Adlorn for your uniform"
"Fred Art Smither: tke em fish maam 'tis all I have" (editor: feck!!! I forgot to ask Meph to poison them oh well.)
"Fred Art Smither: ay thanks"
"Teclis: *hic*"
"Jenny Appleby: He should be downstairs somewhere"
"grizzly: (tame)"
"bear: (tame)"
"Jenny Appleby: *Nods*"
"Jenny Appleby: What you need James ?"
"Jenny Appleby: *Looks right*"
"Fred Art Smither: I shall forthwith"
"Fred Art Smither: adlorn"
"Teclis: !"
"Fred Art Smither: greets"
""Fred Art Smither: Jenny sent me to you"
"Adlorn: How ye know me name?" (editor: No I'm not going to tell him it floats above his head!)
"Erin: *smiles*"
"Fred Art Smither: I am to seek my uniform"
"Adlorn: Try them workshop" (editor: well he was a great help eh?)
"Fred Art Smither: where be them?"
"Adlorn: North"
"Fred Art Smither: thank ee"
"Adlorn: Follow the road..."
"Adlorn: Just behind the tradepost"
*Some one summons a demon*
"Teclis: What is that big pointy thingy!?"
"Grimsword: Hmmm"
"Teclis: Very scary!"
"Fred Art Smither: 'tis an illusion fear thee not"
"Grimsword: Unholy abomination"
"Toban: Haha, foolish demon"
"Devlin Arcanus: Fear it."
"Toban: *Grins*"
"Teclis: Teclis not like spikey thingy!"
"Toban: But an illussion"
"Grimsword: *Spits on the thing*"
"Fred Art Smither: a mere parlour trick me thinks"
"Devlin Arcanus: Hes very.. ermm, dangerous."
"Grimsword: DEMON!"
"Toban: Foul illusions nae cause us fear!"
"Teclis: What is that?!!"
"Fred Art Smither: aye"
"Teclis: *whimpers*"
"Grimsword: Unholy beast of hell!"
"Devlin Arcanus: all follow me"
"Toban: A mockeri of a foul necromancer"
"Fred Art Smither: nay 'tis a fools parlour trick"
"Fred Art Smither: Eon Sir"
"Eon Evermore: Father Evermore"
"Eon Evermore: If you please"
"Fred Art Smither: I seek mine armor on orders from Jenny Sire"
"Eon Evermore: Or mearly Father"
"Fred Art Smither: Aye father"
"Eon Evermore: *nods toward the shop.*"
"Eon Evermore: You will find armor in there."
"Fred Art Smither: There be no one there sire"

Ok I'm in I not got armour but I'm in...... <WICKED GRIN>