The Infultration of GRD

Being the tale of Agent Fred Art Smither (F.A.S.) and his infultration of GRD.

SCENE ONE The Entrance

"Fred Art Smither: Hail"
"John McLear: good day young lad"
"Fred Art Smither: sire I have left my home and family in search of adventure"
"John McLear: whats brings ye here?"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: and why did ye came here then lad?"
"Fred Art Smither: all my father left me before he died was this" *gets his rod out*
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: thats nay much lad"
"Fred Art Smither: I seek not to be a fisherman but a man at arms sire"
"John McLear: aaah so" (editor:Chinese wtf?)
"John McLear: and ye have been looking around to see whome to join ?"
"John McLear: or are ye still looking ?"
"Fred Art Smither: nay I have of course heard of the GRD"
"John McLear: *nods*" (editor: note remember to macro *nods* for further meetings with grd)
"John McLear: well ye found us then lad"
"Fred Art Smither: for I lve near yew abbey where fishing is poor I might add"
"John McLear: this is called Stonekeep"
"John McLear: *point with his arrow all around him*"
"John McLear: hmm"
"John McLear: *spear*"(editor: wow these guys are good don't knw a spear from an arrow!)
"Fred Art Smither: dost the militia own all these abodes?"
"John McLear: them large Keep is the main building"
"John McLear: aye"
"John McLear: we life and work in these woods"
"Fred Art Smither: dost tho accept such as I?"
"John McLear: hmmmm"
"John McLear: have ye read the tome?" (editor: wtf is the tome?)
"Fred Art Smither: aye sire tis what brought me here"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: have ye followed the rules of creation?"
"Fred Art Smither: I am a poor fisherman sire I left my home narry 1 hour ago"
"Fred Art Smither: I walked here"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: well lad"
"John McLear: normaly we would test thee on ye knowledge of the tome"
"John McLear: [ at the moment there are some problems with the guildstone ]"
"Fred Art Smither: aye?"
"John McLear: ye might want to try in a few days as we solf it"
"Fred Art Smither: can I stay and learn thine ways in the meantime?"
"Fred Art Smither: I will fish for my living"
"John McLear: thats not for me to decide"
"Ethander : *hic*"
"John McLear: ye might want to talk to some of the higher ranks"
"John McLear: im only a trainee myself"
"Ethander : *hic*"
"Fred Art Smither: aye wouldst tho introduce me sire"
"Fred Art Smither: ?"
"John McLear: aah down stairs the Father"
": [locked down]" (editor: worth a try eh?)
": 2 pieces of cloth (2 yards of cloth) "
"John McLear: hail Father"
"Fallicius: *Nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: *nervous*"
"Fallicius: And whom be this?"
"John McLear: this young lad wishes to join our ranks Father"
"Fallicius: *Nods*"
"Fallicius: Have thou told him of the problem?"
"John McLear: aye Father"
"Fallicius: Very well."
"Fred Art Smither: I am willing merely to stay and learn thy ways sire"
"Erin: [Trainee, Grd] "
"John McLear: he wishes to stay around and fish for us and studie our ways"
"Fallicius: *Nods*"
"Fallicius: And so you shall my child."
"John McLear: till the problem is solved"
"Fred Art Smither: thak ee sire"
"Fallicius: But our recruitter can not enlist you at the moment."
"Fallicius: As she have vanished." (editor: can thee blame her *fred bites tongue*)
"John McLear: *nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: thou makest a youn man very happy"
"Fallicius: *Nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: nay?"
"Largrow: [Guild Stalker, FAS] " (Editor: whats he doing here then?)
"Fred Art Smither: is it the work of witches sire?"
"Fallicius: I shall hope to see thee among our ranks soon my child."
"Fallicius: Farewell."
"John McLear: when we get the guildstone back to work we can recruit you"
"John McLear: aye?"
"Fred Art Smither: thank ee kind sir"
"John McLear: takes a little time to get enough folks to change there alegiance"
"Fred Art Smither: Should I also learn the ways of battle whilst here?"
"John McLear: can take a few days as it is a great guild"
"John McLear: well ye cannot join our battles"
"Fred Art Smither: I hav heard much"
"Fred Art Smither: I would not last a moment sire"
"John McLear: now nay"
"John McLear: but in time ye will"
"Fred Art Smither: tis better I wrestle ye beasts of the forests and hunt for thee and thine" (editor: I knew that O level drama would come in handy one day!)
"John McLear: dont worry about that lad"
"John McLear: you could stay around a bit or mabye learn some more fishing"
"Fred Art Smither: aye"
"John McLear: we have a devision that rules over the waves"
"John McLear: the Corsairs" (editor: not Brittania then, the logical choice?)
"Fred Art Smither: tis a long walk to the sea but I am willing"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: ah"
"John McLear: in a few days i hope its all over and ye can join us"
"John McLear: in the mean time study the Tome"
"John McLear: learn about the commands the divisions and the rules of war"
"John McLear: them are most important"
"Fred Art Smither: aye I will set to immediately sire"
"John McLear: worst is that ye do not know the awnsers and use a copy of the tome"(editor: good idea m8 *bites tongue again*)
"Fred Art Smither: art thou here often sir?"
"John McLear: them recruiters will know"
"John McLear: most of the time some one is around"
"John McLear: just ask around"
"Mephiston: [62.8 Magery, FAS] " (Editor: and wtf is HE doing here?)
"John McLear: [Trainee, Grd] "
"John McLear: nay problem lad"
"Largrow: [Guild Stalker, FAS] "
"John McLear: good luck and we might see eachoter side by side in battle"
": [locked down]" (Editor: worth a try again)
"John McLear: *nods*"
"Fred Art Smither: aye would be grand"
"John McLear: aye, and when yer in ill show ye some tricks with the weapons"
"John McLear: so ye will not look completly lost on the field"
"John McLear: *grins*"
"Fred Art Smither: thank ee noble sir"
"John McLear: dont call me Sir lad"
"John McLear: im John"
"John McLear: Sir is for them officers"
"Fred Art Smither: Thank you John"
"John McLear: and those who think they got to place themselfs higher then they are"
"Fred Art Smither: call me Fred"
"John McLear: Ok Fred"
"Fred Art Smither: aye john 'tis true"
"John McLear: i will see ye in a few days"
"Fred Art Smither: there are many think highly of themselves"
"Fred Art Smither: but they fall hard"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: aye to many"
"John McLear: *grins*"
"Fred Art Smither: from those lofty peaks"
"John McLear: aye"
"John McLear: Hmmmm"
"John McLear: i got to go for now lad"
"John McLear: take care and good luck"
"Fred Art Smither: ok sire I shall"
"John McLear: *waves*"
"Fred Art Smither: John"
": [locked down]"
"John McLear: [Trainee, Grd] "
": [locked down]"
": [locked down]"
": [locked down]"
"Klion: [Besieger Master, Grd] "
"Leo: [Footman, Grd] "
"John McLear: [Trainee, Grd] "
"Adlorn: [Footman, Grd] "
"Fire: (tame)"
"a horse: (tame)"
"Fred Art Smither: sire"
"Fred Art Smither: John"
"Fred Art Smither: sorry"
"John McLear: aye?"
"Fred Art Smither: I am nervous john"
"Klion: *hic*"
"Christof Rann: [Footman, Grd] "
"Fred Art Smither: I have only a small dagger"
"Fred Art Smither: and fear the beasts of the woods may be too much for me"
"John McLear: ill take ye to the edge of the city"
"John McLear: from there the guards of the King will protect ye"
"Fred Art Smither: thank you"
"Klion: *hic*"
"John McLear: come lad"
"John McLear: muddy aint it?" (editor: Laggy we call it in FAS)
"Fred Art Smither: aye"
"Fred Art Smither: slow progress today"
"John McLear: aye"
"Fred Art Smither: art the grd at war John?"
"Norman: [Craftsman, Riv] "
"Fred Art Smither: *shivers*"
"John McLear: war is a big word"
"Fred Art Smither: aye"
"John McLear: it makes role playing easier"
"John McLear: ok this is the edge of town"
"Fred Art Smither: thank thee"
"John McLear: if something attacks ye just yell GUARDS"
"Fred Art Smither: till we meet again John"
"Fred Art Smither: I shal have no doubt"
"John McLear: and them will come to rescue thee"
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: till in a few days lad"
"John McLear: and take care of yerself"
"Fred Art Smither: I shall fish for the GRD and learn the ways of the woods" (editor: more like gather bear shit mate)
"John McLear: *nods*"
"John McLear: Farewell"
"John McLear: *waves*"
"Fred Art Smither: *smiles*"

end note... rumor has it the vile Mephiston summoned 2 demons and recalled on this fortuitous day...
End Scene One