Golems Controllers
Puzzles and Poker
Date:05 10 2001: Kamchack Logged in to find a strange Power generator outside his old cabin after asking about the patterned robe he saw someone wearing he was given a full set of Arcane Clothing |
Not being able to find any FAS Members Kam stores the Arcane Clothing away and Teams up with a chap named Kalyste. |
Kam discovers a few player bodies strewn around the olde village, but manages to take a few golems down with his bow. The golems are very resistant to magic but weapons seem to do them damage, I'd advise against direct melee as they use a "Colossal Blow" which stuns you, you can get out of it by just trying to keep running ( Kam's good at that, if there was a Running skill he'd be 150%) but if you encounter 2 of these you've had it! |
Bows do the trick with the golems as they're slow but if you get a controller on your tail the flame strikes and poison may get you. |
Thank goodness for those invis earrings Fentiger gave him, Bandy... Invis... wait... and back to the fray. |
Spoils of war... the robes crumble when you pick them up.. (bad workmanship?) but you normally find 1 arcane gem on every controller mage. In about an hour Kamchack reaped about 15 gems... |